The system architecture
How Wangiri 2.0 works:
  • Bots fill in online contact forms with Premium Rate Service numbers (average cost is $4/min)
  • The company’s voice service (i.e. contact center employees) calls these numbers back
  • The company pays premium rates for the calls and receives astronomical bills at the end of the month
  • The company doesn’t realize it's illegitimate traffic and spends its marketing budget without generating new leads

Our intelligent fraud prevention system detects this sophisticated fraudulent activity and stops it immediately
Wangiri 2.0 case study
The system architecture

In 2019, our innovative AI system was the first to discover a new type of telecom fraud: Wangiri 2.0

The main targets are businesses with high volumes of outbound international voice traffic. This is why companies with contact centers, customer support and other voice-based services will greatly benefit from our cutting-edge telecom fraud prevention solution.

With our Control
Center you can:

  • Get stats on:
  • Blocked numbers;
  • Recent events;
  • Top fraudulent destinations;
  • Top fraudulent A & B ranges and active numbers;
  • Unblock blocked numbers with one click;
  • Fine-tune custom usage-based rules to meet your demands.
FMS Control Center Overview